Manage Assets. Manage Life. Save Time.
MyAssets offers a comprehensive platform for organising, keeping track, and managing everything you value.

Explore the MyAssets Platforms
MyAssets provides the tools you need to manage your assets — from finances and properties to collectables and belongings — in a dedicated yet centralised digital space.

Global Dashboard
View your current net worth across all asset classes, currencies, and locations.
View your current net worth across all asset classes, currencies, and locations.
Organise, track, and manage your cash and banking accounts, with more asset types coming soon as part of our beta rollout.
Organise, track, and manage your cash and banking accounts, with more asset types coming soon as part of our beta rollout.
Oversee your property portfolio, including residences, rentals, offices, storage facilities, and more in one platform.
Oversee your property portfolio, including residences, rentals, offices, storage facilities, and more in one platform.
Keep your collectables — including art, jewellery, vintage cars, and more — securely organised. Wine and spirits will also be available soon as part of our beta rollout.
Keep your collectables — including art, jewellery, vintage cars, and more — securely organised. Wine and spirits will also be available soon as part of our beta rollout.
Keep track of your belongings — including furniture, appliances, clothing, and more — along with their associated documents and images.
Keep track of your belongings — including furniture, appliances, clothing, and more — along with their associated documents and images.

Categorise assets into groups – regardless of their type – according to your preferences and requirements.
Categorise assets into groups – regardless of their type – according to your preferences and requirements.
Document Vault
Secure asset-related documents in the platform’s central hub – including titles, policies, receipts, images, and more.
Secure asset-related documents in the platform’s central hub – including titles, policies, receipts, images, and more.

Address Book
Create and categorise contacts, all of whom you can link to different assets across the platform.
Create and categorise contacts, all of whom you can link to different assets across the platform.